This project is a recreation of the classic puzzle game known as Minesweeper, with its origins rooted in the 1960s. This solo project was developed in Unity using
C# as part of my minigames series where I utilize various resources to remake simple games in order to further my learning as well as to have fun!
Minesweeper consists of a grid with a number of hidden mines scattered randomly throughout. You can reveal covered cells with a left mouse click, or right click them to flag them if you believe a mine lies underneath. Number cells display the amount of mines immediately surrounding said cell (If you placed flags on where you believe mines are located around the cell, you can click the mouse scroll wheel onto the number cell to automatically flip all the non-flagged cells around it). Be careful not to reveal a mine or you lose! To win the game, you must reveal all non-mine cells on the board.
To be able to full screen, follow this link and click the full screen button in bottom right of WebGL Build
Here is the link to return to the minigames page: Link